At just 25 years old, Tan*, a lawyer, is making an impact in the lives of those often overlooked in our society. Driven by a deep sense of social justice, Tan has spent the last few years dedicating her time and energy to two causes: assisting rough sleepers in Singapore and supporting refugees around the world.

Tan’s journey began in 2021, when the pandemic exposed the growing issue of rough sleepers in Singapore. There were around 1,000 rough sleepers in Singapore that year, many of whom were elderly and estranged from their families. Seeing this silent struggle, Tan and a group of like-minded friends took it upon themselves to make a difference.

“After 10 p.m., we would head out to the streets with food in hand, not just to feed the rough sleepers but to get to know them, listen to their stories, and see how we could assist them,” shares. Together, they managed to help some of the rough sleepers apply for rental homes, connecting them with social workers and providing ongoing support as they transitioned into their new spaces. They even celebrated milestone moments with them.

The Power of Small Moments

“During Chinese New Year, I invited an elderly rough sleeper to my home to celebrate with us. He was so touched that he cried, sharing how he felt loved and welcomed for the first time in a long while,” Tan recalls.

Another memorable moment was during a Christmas outing with another rough sleeper who had been struggling to afford food. “He dressed up so nicely for it and when I asked him where he wanted to eat, he chose KFC!” Tan laughs. “It’s these small moments—being able to show love and care in ways that might seem ordinary to us—that really resonate with those who are often forgotten.”

Serving Refugees Abroad

In 2022, upon graduating from university, she spent two months in Greece serving the refugee population there. Her time was spent teaching English, running feeding programs, and supporting women’s and children’s initiatives. But what struck her most were the challenges refugees faced in obtaining legal documents to claim asylum status—a barrier that often left them unable to work or attend school legally.

“This experience opened my eyes to the immense struggles refugees face daily, and it stirred within me a deep sense of responsibility to do what I can,” Tan explains. She has since made several trips to overseas to assist refugees, using her legal knowledge and compassion to offer support where it’s needed most.

At a children’s camp for refugees in Klang, Malaysia (Dec 2023) | Credit: Tan

Balancing a Career and a Calling

Balancing a demanding career with community work is no easy feat, and Tan acknowledges that she’s had to step back from her outreach efforts. “Work caught up with me, and I found it hard to go out after 10 pm after a day’s work, and then sleeping at 3 am after,” she says. However, her commitment to helping those in need remains unwavering, and she now focuses her energy primarily on her overseas work with refugees.

Tan’s endeavours are a testament to the power of showing up, listening, and making space for those who are often overlooked. “Kindness is not about solving every problem,  but about loving and serving those at our doorstep.”

Tan’s name is not mentioned in full due to security concerns in her voluntary work with refugees.