In the age of digital advancements, social media platforms have evolved rapidly—Instagram became the new Facebook, TikTok took over Instagram, and now, LinkedIn is taking the world by storm. 

Once seen as a boring, niche platform, with connotations that it is used by managers, CEOs, and those already established in their careers, LinkedIn has undergone a significant shift in the way people perceive it. 

Today, it’s not just for seasoned professionals; it’s becoming a tool for anyone looking to make their mark, especially among younger generations.

Rather than relying on Instagram, X, or TikTok to build connections, a growing number of said younger generations are turning to LinkedIn in search of guidance and networking that will help them take those crucial first steps on the career ladder.

But first, what’s with the sudden hype around LinkedIn? And why are Gen Zs so eager to jump on the bandwagon?

For Gen Zs, LinkedIn is the New Instagram

Gen Z is now the fastest-growing demographic on LinkedIn, according to recent research from the platform. With approximately 78 million Gen Z users worldwide, this generation accounts for about 10 per cent of LinkedIn’s user base.

Gen Z around the world view the job search and employment-focused platform positively, with many trusting the brand and feeling safe posting and interacting with others | Image source: Social Media Today

As Suzi Owens, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at LinkedIn, notes, Gen Z is networking the most on the platform, making the most connections month after month.

What was once a platform primarily for job searches and professional networking has evolved into an essential social media tool for them, who are using it not only to find job opportunities but also to build connections and even form friendships.

Using LinkedIn to Forge Connections with Alumni and Career Mentors

If you’re a Gen Z, “stalking” people on LinkedIn isn’t exactly uncommon. While the term might carry negative connotations, let’s face it—many of us use LinkedIn to discover how others have made it in their careers.

Personally, I’ve found LinkedIn to be a powerful platform for connecting with like-minded individuals and professionals who share similar interests, goals, or career paths.

A simple search with specific keywords; whether it’s your alma mater, a company you aspire to join, or a Master’s program you’re interested in, can lead you to valuable connections. After all, isn’t that what LinkedIn was built for?

Searching for keywords or job titles relevant to your desired industry can help you connect with mentors and professionals already working in the field | Image source: Lead Delta

I found this especially useful when I wanted to learn more about specific programmes and gather insights from those who had already walked the path I was considering.

After receiving an acceptance letter from a university in Australia, I wanted to connect with another Singaporean who had attended the same university to hear about their experiences and get a better sense of life abroad. 

However, I didn’t know anyone in my circle who had taken that path. Thanks to LinkedIn, I found someone who not only attended the same polytechnic as me but also studied the same major I was about to pursue.

Mustering up the courage, I sent her a connection request with a personalised message, hoping for a response. Fast forward to today, she’s become one of my closest friends in Australia.

Crafting a personalised message for your initial introduction on LinkedIn is an effective way to break the ice and start a meaningful connection | Image source: Noreen Shazreen

In hindsight, this wouldn’t have been possible with other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or X, as they don’t offer the same ability to search for specific institutions or professional paths and connect with those who have already been there.

LinkedIn Connections Across the Globe

For Chloe Tan, a 22-year-old student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), jumping on the LinkedIn bandwagon was driven by her career aspirations. As a Communication Studies major, Chloe had the opportunity to represent her school at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

Chloe at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the largest gathering in the advertising and creative communications industry | Image source: Chloe Tan

“It’s a week-long event where industry leaders come together for the award ceremony of the Cannes Lions. They also host many talks with award-winning and renowned speakers from all over the world!” Chloe shared.

At the festival, Chloe seized the chance to connect with industry professionals she admired in the advertising field through LinkedIn.

Chloe with Toto Wolff, CEO of Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team | Image source: Chloe Tan

“Sometimes, you meet amazing industry leaders from all over the world, and there’s no other way you can keep up with them other than through LinkedIn, right? I was fortunate enough to connect with some of them at the festival my school sent me to in France. They have been very supportive of my achievements and milestones, and I’m extremely grateful.”

“Who knows, maybe these connections could open doors in the future?” she added.

So, as LinkedIn continues to grow in the digital age, it’s becoming much more than just a career platform—it’s a space where Gen Z is redefining how we network and maintain professional relationships, even after the most casual encounters. 

With this in mind, it’s only valuable that we shift our perspective on the stereotypes surrounding this long-established platform and recognise its newfound uses and opportunities.