What would you do if you came across someone who was lost?

For most people, they would simply point the person in the right direction, before heading their own way.

And that was exactly what Facebook user Benita Lin’s family was expecting, when she approached a group of soldiers on Raffles Avenue last Saturday (Jul 13) to ask them for directions to the Padang for the National Day preview show.

Lin, who was with her family – comprising her parents, her sister-in-law’s parents, uncle, four-year-old niece and two-year-old nephew – had alighted at the wrong MRT station, and all of them were unsure of how to get to the Padang.

The soldiers, however, were able to point Lin and her family in the right direction. But, instead of just leaving them to figure out the way for themselves, one of the soldiers went beyond his call of duty, and personally walked with them all the way to the correct location.

More impressively, the soldier even carried Lin’s nephew – who she described as “not very light” – throughout the “very long walk”.

Lin subsequently took to Facebook to praise the soldier, who she identified as YY Tan, for his act of kindness in helping her family.

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Recounting the incident, Lin wrote: “One of the soldiers…offered to walk us to the correct place as he was afraid (that) we would get lost. That, in itself, was already a very kind act as he went out of his way to walk us…there. But what impressed us most was when he even helped my mom carry Elijah (Lin’s nephew) …all the way to the right entrance.”

Lin also tagged The Singapore Army Facebook page in her post, as she asked them to help “convey (her family’s) thanks and gratitude” to the soldier who assisted them.

Netizens who came across Lin’s post praised the soldier for his act of kindness.

Facebook user Sherley WS wrote: “I find our soldiers so helpful and lovely during these types of events. Every single one of them. So, it must be in the training. Well done!”

Another netizen, Ivy Cheong, added: “Good Samaritan! A little help will make someone’s smile. Always be happy! We are one voice and one family.”