Kindness spans languages and religions, countries and politics, which is why it has the power to bridge divides across the globe. It’s a virtue based on one simple yet beautiful concept: Putting others before yourself.

Did you know that Nov 13 is World Kindness Day?

Introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, which is a coalition of non-government organisations that celebrate kindness, this date is observed in many countries across the world.

Its objective is simple: To recognise kindness in its many forms. Highlighting the good deeds by people in different communities helps us see the positivity and the common threads of kindness which binds us.

Even though Singapore celebrates our own Kindness Day on May 22, we too have been celebrating World Kindness Day. So here’s what to expect for World Kindness Day this year:

Get moving with a dance for Kindness

Dance for kindness poster - World Kindness Day 2020
Image source: Singapore Kindness Movement

Every year, international non-profit organisation Life Vest Inside kicks off World Kindness Week by bringing together people from over 50 countries in its flagship celebratory dance.

Dance for Kindness is a worldwide flash mob during which groups from all across the globe unite to laugh, live and let loose under the banner of kindness.

This year, there are three fun and exciting ways to get involved!

On Nov 8, tune into a virtual livestream event to enjoy short and inspiring talks from special guest speakers, panelists and musical performances from across the world. Singapore’s own kindness ambassador, SKM General Secretary Dr William Wan, will also be sharing on kindness in our troubled times on the stream!

Dr William Wan poster
Image source: Singapore Kindness Movement

You too can join in the fun on the stream. If you’re up for it, get ready to get up and dance with thousands of people from around the world in the first ever virtual dance for kindness.

If dancing’s not enough for you, or not your style, don’t worry, you can still join the “I Can be Kind” Challenge, which celebrates nine years of Dance for Kindness with nine exciting kindness activities Go on a journey of self-reflection on how you can be kind and be inspired through other global initiatives.

As you complete the challenge, you’ll gain points, collect kindness badges and unlock the next activity on the list. Complete all nine challenges by Nov 13 to win prizes.

#DanceforKindness on TikTok Singapore

world kindness day tiktok banner
Image source: Singapore Kindness Movement

If TikTok is more your style, as part of the global Dance For Kindness initiative, SKM is challenging you to a dance-off.

We believe that kindness is diverse and can be interpreted in different ways, which is why we are inviting you to submit your own dance, your own way. Here’s how to do it:

1) Video yourself dancing to the song ‘REVOLUTION OF LOVE’ by Charles Preston on TikTok, with your choreography ‒ anything goes! Express yourself.

2) Include text #DanceForKindness in your video and tag @KindnessSG. Do include hashtags #WorldKindnessDay and #BeGreaterSG

3) Feel free to nominate a friend or two to take up the challenge

Be ready to do a #DanceforKindness TikTok hashtag challenge to show us your rendition of what kindness means to you and make it your badge of honour in your own style.

Keep a lookout for this TikTok challenge from Nov 8 till Nov 13.

And remember to check out our Facebook page on Nov 13 for a special surprise.

Wishing everyone, wherever you are, a happy World Kindness Week!

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